Course Content

Chapter 0: Introduction

Chapter 2: cw-band deep dive

Chapter 2

cw-band deep dive

Estimated time: 40 mins

Our library (cw-band) provides data types and functions that are necessary for requesting and receiving data from BandChain. It will help developers to easily integrate their CosmWasm smart contract with BandChain.

Here are the data types and functions that the library provides for you.


First, the library provides the version of the IBC channel of the Oracle module.

pub const IBC_APP_VERSION: &str = "bandchain-1";


The library also provides the types of packets that will be sent through IBC.

// Type of request packet data that will accept
pub struct OracleRequestPacketData {
    pub client_id: String, // The client_id that you want to send. This will help you to identify the client that request.
    pub oracle_script_id: Uint64, // The oracle_script_id that you want to request data from.
    pub calldata: Binary, // The data that you want to send to your oracle script.
    pub ask_count: Uint64, // Number of validators that you want to provide you data.
    pub min_count: Uint64, // Minimum number of validators that you will accept the final result.
    pub fee_limit: Vec<Coin>, // The fee limit of the data sources that you are willing to pay for the data.
    pub prepare_gas: Uint64, // Prepare gas that you will use in preparation process of the oracle script.
    pub execute_gas: Uint64, // Execution gas that you will use in execution process of the oracle script.

// Type of response packet data from BandChain
pub struct OracleResponsePacketData {
    pub client_id: String, // The client_id that you send in the OracleRequestPacketData.
    pub request_id: Uint64, // The id of the request of this response on BandChain.
    pub ans_count: Uint64, // The number of validators that helps provide this result.
    pub request_time: Uint64, // The time that this request is accepted on BandChain.
    pub resolve_time: Uint64, // The time that this request is resolved on BandChain.
    pub resolve_status: ResolveStatus, // The status of resolving the request.
    pub result: Binary, // The result of the request.

// Enum of possible resolve_status that BandChain will send
pub enum ResolveStatus {
    #[serde(rename = "RESOLVE_STATUS_OPEN_UNSPECIFIED")]
    Open, // The request is not resolved yet.
    #[serde(rename = "RESOLVE_STATUS_SUCCESS")]
    Success, // The request is resolved successfully.
    #[serde(rename = "RESOLVE_STATUS_FAILURE")]
    Failure, // The request is failed to solve.
    #[serde(rename = "RESOLVE_STATUS_EXPIRED")]
    Expired, // The request is expired before solving.

// IBC Acknowledgement message (either result or error)
pub enum AcknowledgementMsg {

// create a serialized success message
pub fn ack_success() -> Binary {
    let res = AcknowledgementMsg::Result(b"1".into());

// create a serialized error message
pub fn ack_fail(err: String) -> Binary {
    let res = AcknowledgementMsg::Error(err);

// Acknowledge message that BandChain will send after receives the request.
pub struct BandAcknowledgement {
    pub request_id: Uint64, // The request_id of your request.

Oracle script - Price

This is the example of the Input and Output of the oracle script for getting the rates of symbols.

// Input of the oracle script.
pub struct Input {
    pub symbols: Vec<String>, // Symbol list that you want to request.
    pub minimum_sources: u8, // Minimum sources 

// Output of the oracle script.
pub struct Output {
    pub responses: Vec<Response>, // Arrary of response of each each symbol.

// Rate of the symbol.
pub struct Response {
    pub symbol: String, // symbol.
    pub response_code: u8, // response_code.
    pub rate: u64, // the price of the symbol.


What is the purpose of the OracleRequestPacketData struct?

Previous Chapter

cw-band overview